Photo of Fei

This is FEI XIE

Curious by nature, I am fascinated with how people think and behave, thus I love the human-centred design methods and processes. I am passionate about analyzing user-generated data to optimize experiences that make people feel cheerful and comfy.

I believe that a good life is a stack of memorable moments.
I embrace all the challenges that will highlight my journey,
no matter whether they lead to successes or failures.

Currently based in Copenhagen. Oringinally from China.

Grew up in a province in Northwest China with diverse landscapes from barren Gobi desert to the Yellow River which is seen as the cradle of Chinese Culture, the beauty of nature and the people teach me that it's essential to be open to change and fresh ideas.
So far, the most valuable memories are generated when spending time with my family / friends, having backpacking trips and exploring tasty food.